February 2025 Tarot for Conscious Entrepreneurs
Hello, my name is Kathryn Gorham, and I'm here today with you to do a tarot reading for Conscious Entrepreneurs for February of 2025. Several of you asked me to start doing this monthly, so we're gonna give it a try.
I, for one, am happy to say goodbye to January. For me, it was a month of cleansing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, and I'm grateful to be moving forward.
So we're going to do the same five-card layout that we used in our previous reading, which was for the year of 2025.
Card one is the energy we are currently in and leaving.
Cards two, three, and four are the energies that we're going to experience in the month of February.
Card five is the energy that is offered to us from our team, our guides, our angels, our ascended masters, or whomever we work with.
That is the five-card layout. So let's jump in.
First Card: Page of Pentacles
Today, our first card is the Page of Pentacles.
If you look closely, about right here, you can see there is a field that has been plowed and furrowed and ready for planting. So whatever you're planting is for a higher purpose.
You've been studying to bring through something into the earthly realm, and things are now spontaneously beginning to flower.
Our Page is wearing a red hat—the hat of passion.
So as I work with the cards, we often will use them by stepping into them and interacting with the card.
For this month, I ask that you step into the card and ask for permission from the Page to wear this hat. Put it on your head, feel, sense, or see, or even intuit what it is that you're passionate about planting in the earth and bringing forward.
As you enter February, this is the energy we have—what we're leaving behind and what we're stepping into.
February's Energy: The Three Cards
Our next three cards will be about the energy in February itself, and our first card is the Seven of Pentacles.
The farmer is leaning on his hoe or wand—the tool he used to bring forth his creativity and passion.
He is contemplating the plant. It has lots of growth so far, but no fruit. Will it bear fruit?
His patience and his watchful eye are there, watching the energy of movement and growth.
If you're not growing, you're dying.
Seven is a card asking you to move and grow.
So for February, we're watching to see how our plants grow that we have been cultivating so far.
Next, again, this is card number three, the second one for the month of February.
And this is the Page of Swords.
The Page stands on a knoll, just a little higher, representing higher thoughts—thoughts because it’s Swords.
There’s movement. The wind is whipping through the trees, and her hair is being blown by the wind.
She is sensing the winds of change.
And up here along the top of the card, actually over here, you can see ten birds in the sky.
These are messengers for the month of February.
And the Page asks that you pay attention in February, not just with your thoughts, but also with your heart. Listen for these messengers in February.
And our fourth card, the last one about the month of February, is another one of my favorite cards.
It's the Eight of Wands.
This February is opening you to receive from heaven—creative ideas, fun, flow.
They’re all flowing down from heaven, these energies to earth for you.
Will you receive them?
Will you allow them to ground into your reality?
Do you have the courage to let them in?
That is the energy of the Eight of Wands for February 2025 for Conscious Entrepreneurs.
Guidance from Our Team: The Emperor
And our last card in the reading is the card about our guides, our helpers.
What energy are they bringing in to us for the month of February?
And for that, we have the Four in the Major Arcana—The Emperor.
At first, I was a little taken aback by the Emperor because sometimes the Emperor energies could be depicted as controlling and overbearing.
And that’s really the Emperor’s lower vibrations.
As I looked at the card, what I was drawn to was over here on his left shoulder, on his covering. There is the head of a ram.
Also, the head of the ram is on both sides of the throne—at the top and at the arms.
And the ram is Aries—March and April.
Then as I kept looking, I was drawn down to the golden fruit in his left hand.
Then what came to me was that your team is offering in February the highest vibration of the Emperor consciousness—strength and action.
And should you step up to receive this highest vibration of the Emperor, then come March and April, you will begin to see the fruits in your hand.
Thank you for watching.
Again, I’m Kathryn Gorham, and I hope you enjoyed the February Tarot Reading for Conscious Entrepreneurs.
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And take a moment to visit the website, PurpleDoorEntrepreneur.com, as we assist Conscious Entrepreneurs to align their frequency with their offering so that they consistently reach the audience they are intended to serve.
Namaste, and have a great February.
Kathryn Gorham 💜
Purple Door Entrepreneur