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2025 Tarot Reading for Conscious Entrepreneurs

Join us today for something fun for 2025, a tarot reading for conscious entrepreneurs.  

I'm going to bringing through a message to assist you as you prepare your business for this coming year. Come on along.  

Hello and Happy New Year. Welcome to 2025.  

If you've been following me, you know I have never done this before in my blogs or my videos, a tarot reading. But with so many things shifting and changing and all the chaos and opinions floating around, it can lead to distraction.  

Distraction is not a friend for entrepreneurs, so I was inspired to bring this tarot reading to you and help you align your energy for 2025.  

We are all energy. Energy is everything, and everything is energy.  

Therefore, it's important, especially for conscious entrepreneurs, to check in and align your frequency and energy with your offering.  

Before we jump into the reading today, I want to say that I'm not a tarot reader, although I do use the tarot daily for myself and sometimes for my clients.  

When I was a kid, I would go with my mom to various tarot readers. I never actually went into her sessions, but we would talk about them on the drive home.  

I've always been intrigued because I knew that many times real truths were being revealed.  

So several times over the years, I tried to teach myself how to read the tarot, not successfully.

Then in the early 2000s, I owned a mind-body-spirit store, and we had a class at the store. I was determined that this was going to be the time that I got it.

I figured it out. However, yet again, I got bogged down in those lists of explanations about each card and what they are supposed to mean.

Then in 2020, I joined Belinda Womack’s 12 Archangels University. Here we learned how to use the tarot in a very different way.

We learned to interact with the cards, actually step into them, and have a conversation with the characters in the cards.

I was in my glory. I loved it. I soaked it up like a sponge.

We were taught to allow the card to give you the meaning for the current question or situation and not to assume any meanings.

So that is how I work with the tarot.

The deck I use is the Universal Waite deck.

Why? Because it's the deck that Belinda uses, and it was also the deck that I had been trying to teach myself for many, many, many years and had a couple of decks already in my home.

The 12 archangels also say that this particular deck has the cleanest and most pure energy in the card images.

Just by sitting and looking at a card, you can shift your energy and get the message it's trying to share.

So as to the card layout for this reading, I got that through meditation.

I asked for help from my team in bringing through a reading for conscious entrepreneurs, and that's what they gave me.

So let's dive in.

Alright, so our five-card spread for 2025 for conscious entrepreneurs is laid out as follows:

  • Card one is the current energy as we enter 2025.

  • Cards two, three, and four are the energies for the year of 2025.

  • And then we have card five. This was interesting—I asked what it represented, and what I got was that it represents the highest joy energy being presented to conscious entrepreneurs this year from your very own team, your guides, angels, ascended masters, or whichever divine aspects you work with.

As I put the cards down, I noticed they formed a balanced cross, which can represent the four directions or, if you want to count as above and below, six directions.

It can also represent the four elements of air, fire, water, earth, and the four suits of the tarot.

So I thought that was fun.

Card 1: Current Energy

Card one is the current energy as we enter 2025. What's going on right now?

The card that comes up is the Death card, number 13, and it is a major arcana card.

When I stepped into the card and interacted, the two figures that came through were the king laying on the ground in the blue gown and the young girl in white—the teen girl.

Now, death is the number 13, and in numerology, you can add up the digits. So, one plus three equals four. The four card is also connected to the 13 card due to numerology, and the four card in the tarot’s major arcana is the Emperor card.

So the Death card and the Emperor card are related.

The Emperor can represent the old male and old male structures.

For this reading, when I connected with the king on the ground, what I got was that the old male system—or systems—are dying.

They have been dying, crumbling, and coming apart for some time now. That's still a part of the current energy that we are in.

The second feature in the card that came through in my interaction with the image was the little girl, the teenage girl in white.

But she’s looking away from death. With her eyes closed, she’s trying to avoid or ignore—or at least not face—death.

This is the current energy because the card is in that position of us avoiding and ignoring and not facing changes that have been happening everywhere.

However, what I also heard was that in 2025, we are being asked not to look away from what’s happening.

Instead, we, as conscious entrepreneurs, are being asked to look for opportunities in the death and rebirth. All death comes with a rebirth.

Cards 2, 3, and 4: Energies of 2025

Now we move on to cards two, three, and four. This is the energy that will be pervasive throughout the year 2025 for conscious entrepreneurs.

Card 2 is the Ten of Wands.

Wands represent creativity, and ten is the number of completion.

The message I received was that you have loads of creativity coming your way this year.

You may have so much creativity coming that you reach overwhelm.

Things are growing for your conscious entrepreneurial offering.

The message here is to remember to ask for help. Ask for help from your team.

Ask, and then hand over whatever is too much for you and give it to them.

Give all your overwhelm over to them.

You’ve been bringing many pieces of your offering along with you, and now in 2025, you’re invited to put it all together.

You’re invited to ask for help doing it. Turn over whatever may be too much and take the guidance step by step.

Card 3: The King of Cups

This king carries a very charismatic energy. Water in the tarot represents emotion.

When I interacted with the king in this card, I was drawn to the turbulent water behind him and the little whale in the corner.

What I got was that the emotion of the collective consciousness is shifting.

In 2025, people are tapping more into their soul wisdom.

Conscious entrepreneurs, in this case, may feel emotionally tossed about in 2025, but you’re being asked to stay the course.

Card 4: The Lovers

The Lovers is a six in the tarot and is a message of choice.

We see here in the card Archangel Raphael, in purple at the top, and behind him is the central sun.

Raphael’s message brings choice into our relationships—not our outer world relationships, but our internal relationships with the divine feminine (as shown on the left with Eve) and the divine masculine (as shown on the right with Adam).

When you make a choice in 2025, align with and consult with your divine feminine and masculine.

You’re being asked to trust that guidance as it connects you with the central sun, the heart of God.

There are many distractions and opinions in the outer world—through media, social media—that are creating fear.

You’re being asked to go within for your choices instead of relying on the outer world’s information.

Card 5: The Highest Joy Energy

Finally, we come to card five, representing the highest joy energy being presented to you from your team this year.

This card is the Three of Cups.

I love this card. Three goddesses form a circle and are surrounded by an abundant harvest.

Isn’t that great, especially for entrepreneurs?

You’re being presented in 2025 with the emotion and energy of joy and celebration.

A year of growth—of fruitful growth.

Sometimes we grow but don’t get the fruits, but this year will be fruitful growth.

These goddesses ask that you come to them and drink from their cups.

See yourself stepping into the card and drinking from each of the cups:

  • The goddess in white represents purity.

  • The one in gold represents happiness.

  • The one in orange represents earthly harvest.

Thank you for watching. I surely hope you got some value and fun out of our tarot reading for 2025 for conscious entrepreneurs.

Please subscribe, like, follow—do all of that stuff—because I’d love to have you join my journey in 2025.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Loads of love.

Kathryn Gorham 💜

Purple Door Entrepreneur



Great tarot readings you offer here for 2025. The outlook and energies are grand. You are a natural tarot reader. I, too, was pleasantly surprised by your mother's interest in the tarot. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Perhaps we have more similar interests to our younger parents than what we knew.


LOVED listening and reading through this tarot post. Found it intriguing that your mom was into tarot. You have such wisdom and gifts and I'm glad you've brought this out to the community! Brava, Kathryn! oxoxoxo💜

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